Barrett Thomas Harris daughter of Neal and Audrea Harris granddaughter of Wanda Harris & Teddy and Janie McCain Born May 25, 2003 |
Barrett was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia on Tuesday, September 16, 2003. Blood Drive in Honor of Barrett Update Return to Main Page 3:00 pm - Hello Prayer Warriors! Barrett is doing wonderful! We start our one year anniversary tests, from the bone marrow transplant, this Friday, with possibly the bone marrow test being done on December 10, 2004. The tests that we are hoping to have completed this Friday consist of a Chest X-Ray, a Heart Echo, tear duct test, and blood work. Please pray that all tests come back with no signs of cancer and that the bone marrow tests will prove that Barrett is still in remission. I find it hard to believe one year is almost upon us. I have written the donor asking that she consider signing the donor consent form, this will allow me to contact her. I pray that I will have the opportunity to thank her for her heartfelt gift. Those of you who are not aware of an upcoming event, the American Red Cross is having a Blood Drive in honor of Barrett on December 14, 2004, at the Two Rivers Mall from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Barrett is no longer requiring transfusions, but just as the donor gave Barrett the gift of a second chance by donating her bone marrow, the same applies to all those who donate blood. Barrett received many transfusions, more than I could possibly count, and without those blood donations Barrett may never have made it to the bone marrow transplant. So remember the gift of blood saves lives!
As I have stated before, please remember those at the Ronald McDonald House during this Holiday Season, even if it is just making some cookies and taking them by the RM House. If you cannot get something to the RM House but would like to send something, please feel free to email me and we will make arrangements so that I can get your items to them.
Barrett continues to eat but not enough to stop the feedings through the nose tube. We are getting there, everything is baby steps. Barrett loves to receive praise and hates to be told "no-no", it hurts her feelings terribly. When she does something, she will look at you and clap and then she expects you to say, "Yea Barrett" and clap too. It is so cute and so funny and it is one of those little sweet things that she does that I never want to forget.
Please continue to pray that Barrett will remain cancer free and that her eating and drinking will improve.
Mom Tuesday, November 9, 2004 (Day +327)
2:45 pm - Hello Prayer Warriors! Barrett is doing wonderful. I only thought she was our entertainment before, she now has a new nickname, “Monkey”. Whenever she hears music, she starts this cute little dance, puts her hands in the air, and moves back and forth. I do not think I have ever seen something so cute. It does not matter if she thinks she is alone in her room or in the middle of a restaurant, she loves to dance. She loves LIFE! My little teacher, I laughed so hard the other day with a friend that I think I added five years to my life. Take time to laugh, smile, and be happy, one never knows what is around the corner. She continues to crawl anywhere she wants to go, Neal and I look at her and her new found independence and we know that our prayers are still being answered. She is still trying to master the pulling up and she has even taken a couple of steps while holding onto something. The Physical Therapist assures us it will not be long before she is walking. She continues to gain weight and we are now off the Prednisone. We have started tapering the cyclosporine and if all goes well, Barrett will be off that drug at the end of February, along with all her other medications except for Bactrim. She will have to stay on Bactrim, anti-phenomena, for an additional three months. Well now for the big news, Barrett has started eating. She is not eating and drinking enough to stop her tube feedings, but she is eating. She has been eating chicken, pork chops, macaroni and cheese, scalloped potatoes, hash browns, and even started eating cheerios. We are so excited. For months, the three of us would sit down for dinner to eat, she would play with her food and not eat anything. Believe it or not that is what the Speech Therapist wanted, at least get her to play with her food, familiarize herself with the smells and texture, and it has finally paid off. I guess it is true when they say, “baby steps”. We have come a long way in one year and I have to continue to say, that without God’s healing hand and Barrett’s Prayer Warriors, I do not know what we would have done without you. Please continue to pray for her to eat and drink more. As the Holiday Season is approaching, I would like to take a moment and ask that you remember the families at the Ronald McDonald House (RMH) and Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital. If you would like to make donations or food donations to the RMH, please feel free to call them at 615-343-4000 to see what they may need. Remember the RMH operates on donations and the staff at the RMH tries to make your stay as comfortable as possible while you are there. They have organizations who prepare food for the Holidays, but other items are needed, so please give them a call. One never knows when you may find yourself in need of their support. I have found myself, prior to Barrett’s illness, driving by a hospital and never giving it a second thought. When you are inside those hospital doors, your life seems to be placed on hold while the rest of the world continues to move forward. One never knows the heartache and pain felt behind those walls until you have been there, some of us are lucky to never know that pain and some of us will never forget it. Think about those families the next time you drive by and say a silent prayer, pray for a families comfort and strength and thank God that you have your health. Over the last year, I have seen and felt things that in my opinion no one should have to feel. I have known children who have relapsed and even passed away. Death is one of the things in life that is hard to accept, especially when a life is so young. But one of the most important things that I have learned and hope to never forget is the amazing attitudes and personalities that I have come into contact with. Barrett has an amazing personality, those of you who have seen her comment on how happy she is and is she always this good? The answer is “yes”, and sometimes I wonder if God has blessed her with her wonderful attitude because of what she has endured or if these children know what a blessing life is? As I have mentioned before, everyone should have to experience clinic, every time I leave there, I leave with a new outlook on life. As I write my thoughts down, I know one day I will read back on these words and say to myself, “that is just what I needed today, life is not so bad after all” and who knows maybe as you read this journal it may be just what you needed. God always has a way of working and He has a plan. Continue to pray that Barrett remains cancer free, that she will continue to eat and drink more, and that her donor will be willing to sign the consent form so that we may contact one another. The one year anniversary for Barrett’s transplant will be December 18, 2004. Mom
September 2003 | October 2003 | November 2003 | December 2003 | January 2004 February 2004 | March 2004 | April 2004 | May 2004 | June 2004 | July 2004 | August 2004 |
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